SpongeBob Reviews: Season 6 (The Splinter/Slide Whistle Stooges)

SpongeBob gets a splinter at work and can’t pull it out. He tries to keep working anyway, but Squidward tells him that if Mr. Krabs finds out about his inury, he might get sent home early. This makes SpongeBob panic, and he calls Patrick for help with the splinter. All Patrick does is push the splinter in even more and then infects it so that it spews pus and God-knows-what. Mr. Krabs sees the splinter (Squidward told him about it) and he pulls it out for SpongeBob (his injury spews pus everywhere) and everything returns to normal.

Good God, this episode was unbearable. This is toenail scene levels of grossness, except that it’s much worse because the toenail scene only lasted thirty seconds, this goes on for the whole episode. Also, I really hate splinters, and I don’t much like seeing other people get them either. I was cringing throughout the entire episode.

Rating: 0/10

Here’s an episode I wasn’t looking forward to seeing.

It starts with SpongeBob and Patrick annoying Squidward with slide whistles. No matter how many time he tells them to get lost, they won’t stop. Squidward eventually gets fed up and runs away from them, but they follow him. When he tires of running, he takes the slide whistle away from SpongeBob and starts blowing it to see how SpongeBob likes it. SpongeBob likes it. And he tells Squidward that he’s talented with the slide whistle, which inflates Squidward’s already huge ego and he joins them in annoying everyone in Bikini Bottom. Squidward takes things too far, causing everyone in Bikini Bottom to get mad at him and form a mob. Squidward steals a gas truck because… um, I really don’t know. The truck goes over a cliff and Squidward is hospitalized. SpongeBob and Patrick play their slide whistles around the hospital and the episode ends there.

Where do I even begin with this one? The episode was pretty much doomed from the start because of how annoying the slide whistles are. And we get to hear them for an entire episode. Bleh. This is one of those episodes that make me think that SpongeBob and Patrick don’t know the meaning of the term “go away”. In fact, Squidward even says to them, “Go away! Can’t you idiots take a hint?” Oh, but we haven’t even gotten to Squidward. He’s terrible in this episode too. Yeah, that’s right, this is one of very, very few episodes where I don’t like Squidward.

There are a couple of episodes where Squidward gets sucked into SpongeBob’s antics and then takes it too far, like Snowball Effect, Krab Borg and Squidville. I usually like episodes like this, they can be really funny when they’re done well. Slide Whistle Stooges was not done well. It’s annoying and not all that funny, and good Lord those slide whistles drove me crazy. Also, we can probably count this episode as Squid Abuse, due to how everyone cheered when he fell off that cliff and how SpongeBob and Patrick are somehow able to get away with annoying everyone yet Squidward isn’t. Yeah, I guess Squidward deserved what he got at the end, but SpongeBob and Patrick deserved to be punished too.

Patrick does have a couple of lines that I thought were funny, making him the only tolerable character in the episode. I never thought I would see the day where Patrick is the best character in an episode (especially in one that has my favorite character in it), but here it is.

Rating: 0/10

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Tamsin Parker
    Sep 20, 2013 @ 11:32:38

    One of those episodes where you DON’T like him? Wow. Jeez. I… I can understand why. Normally I sympathise with the guy when such circumstances happen.

    You know… uh, this is actually one of Tom Kenny’s favorite episodes.


    • yourfacehasablog
      Sep 20, 2013 @ 13:07:41

      I’m guessing you’re talking about Slide Whistle Stooges? Yeah, I have a hard time sympathizing with Squidward in this episode. While I think the ending took his punishment a little too far, it’s not like he did nothing to deserve it.

      If Tom Kenny, or anyone else, likes this episode, that’s totally cool with me. I personally don’t like it because I think it’s annoying and I think the characters are unbearable, but hey, that’s just my opinion.


  2. Tamsin Parker
    Sep 20, 2013 @ 13:38:10

    You hit the nail right on the head with that comment.


  3. SweetShop209
    Jul 31, 2014 @ 19:43:54

    These episodes go hand in hand. One is like a stab to the eyes while the other is a stab to the ears.


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